Direct Messages: New Twists on Twitter for Manufacturers

by Vin DiGioia

Twitter for manufacturers

Social media juggernaut Twitter has been making a lot of moves in recent weeks.  In addition to a quick CEO swap,  the service announced two new updates to its direct message (DM) feature that could be very important, overall, as it pertains to Twitter for manufacturers:

  1. APRIL 2015:  Users can now opt to receive direct messages from anyone.  (Previously, you would have to be following a user in order to receive direct messages on Twitter.)
  2. JULY 2015 (expected): Character restriction for direct messages will be increased from 140 to 10,000

While direct messages on Twitter have sometimes been overlooked (and sometimes written off as spam havens), these new changes could signal a change for B2B marketers. These new enhancements could make the direct message feature more enticing as a potential means for communicating with both existing customers and prospects.

Still not using Twitter? Maybe you’re thinking about starting up a Twitter account for your business today! Here are a few key factors to keep in mind when considering Twitter for manufacturers:

  • DESIGN:  Twitter offers several options to help customize the look and feel of individual profile pages – header photo, profile profile, background image, background color, theme color – take advantage of all of them! Brand your Twitter profile as you would any other public-facing communications element.
  • PLAN:  Define your business-specific goals for Twitter. Once those are set, develop your content strategy around achieving those goals. Clearly establish what you want to say, but more importantly, how you plan to say it. Including images, videos, and links to downloadables are all great ways to keep users engaged with your message.
  • SCHEDULE:  Leverage one of the many tools online to help schedule your tweets days, weeks, and even months in advance. This can help take care of a lot of the day-to-day posting that needs to be done. NOTE: Automated tools should never take the place of actively managing your social media. Autopilot or zombie Twitter accounts are never a good idea and will do little or nothing to grow your user base.
  • ENGAGE:  Nobody likes to be ignored. Just like any other interaction with a customer: when a user tweets @ you or sends a direct message, be sure to respond in a timely manner.

It is critical that we, as responsible B2B marketers, don’t downplay the importance of Twitter for manufacturers and manufacturing companies. Statistics are showing that the use of online resources like Twitter by B2B decision makers is increasing rapidly.  In order for today’s manufacturers to keep pace in the global market, they must be prepared to meet these decision-makers where and when those buying decisions are happening. That exchange is increasingly occuring on social media.

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