by MGB2B

Across most B2B industries in the U.S., the big nationwide players dominate when it comes to brand awareness. HVAC manufacturers are no exception, with brands like Trane and Lennox generating instant recognition while small to medium size companies rarely ring a bell outside their states or regions. All of this emphasis on big brands can seem discouraging, but smaller manufacturers hold a big advantage over the big players: social media.
You may have just rolled your eyes or even laughed out loud. How can small manufacturers stack up to the big guys on social media? After all, the two aforementioned brands have a combined following of over 217,000 on Facebook alone. True, and the majority of small companies will not reach those numbers. But their more modest followings likely contain a whole lot more valuable connections and leads, and a smart social media strategy can help draw them out.
Here are three effective social media strategies for HVAC manufacturers that will leave the big brands in the dust:
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by MGB2B
Your trucks! I know you probably already have your company’s name, logo, and phone number on your trucks, but you can and should do more than smack 18″ x 24″ magnets on the doors. Your trucks act like moving billboards throughout the region, advertising and promoting your business. Just like creating a low-budget TV commercial, using inferior graphics on your trucks and vans portrays your business as sub-par. Investing in high-quality, large scale vehicle wraps will pay off over and over and will help you make use of this free advertising space to garner new business. Take a look below at a few companies that are getting vehicle wraps right, and in my eyes, why it’s working.
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