Mascola B2B Marketing Blog, B2B Advertising Agency
Tag Archives: B2B content marketing

Why VISUAL Content Marketing is Important for B2B Brands


As a B2B marketer, you likely realize how effective content marketing is for your brand. (If not, you can read our praise of content marketing in many past articles.) But what you say is not the only important thing. The vehicle you use to deliver it to your audience, the accompanying graphics, and the way you display your information can make or break the success of a piece of content marketing. People are visual creatures by nature; if you can effectively show a message as well as spell it out, you will certainly win over your readers. Visual content marketing can be delivered in may forms, but a few that we show here today can be the most effective.


When you have a whole lot of data to present, it can be tough to keep a readers attention – even if it speaks to some pretty amazing accomplishments. Well-crafted visuals are going to help your reader prioritize information, scan more efficiently, and continue to stay engaged. Infographics are a great way to present your information in an easy-to-digest way. And, in the end they’ll help more people to actually read it.

A series of infographics for choosing the right conformal coating application.

A series of infographics Mascola Group created for choosing the right conformal coating application.


If you have an interesting story to tell, most people would rather watch it than read about it. Creating a video is the perfect way to accomplish this. Marketing videos no longer just mean a traditional 30 or 60-second commercial spot, either. They can be the animation of a case study, filming and explaining what makes your production process stand out, or a well-executed interview with a knowledgeable employee showing how you help your customers.

Video Explaining Building Files software Capabilities.

Visuals Within Your Blogs and Printed Collateral

A large part of any successful content marketing campaign are white papers and long format blog articles. Though it may seem I’ve been hinting that your audience no longer reads, this simply isn’t true. Viewers that have shown interest by clicking on your emails, filling out forms, or actively seeking your blog will read it. But to keep them engaged, this content still needs the right window dressing. Any long format piece of content will be far easier to digest with the right support visuals.

Downloadable Rooftop Safety Brochure

Downloadable Rooftop Safety Brochure created by Mascola Group


Visual content isn’t technically difficult to produce, but it does take a bit of forethought. There are a myriad of apps available to create your own graphics in house – just keep in mind, everyone is using these cookie-cutter services and your efforts may look generic, off-brand, or worse, amateurish. Visual content marketing is meant to draw your audience in, then lead them where you want them to go. To get the most for your efforts, consider consulting with a professional graphic designer before you begin your next content marketing campaign.

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Hungry for Great Content? Tasty Tips for Building a B2B Blog Template.


If you’re hosting this year’s Thanksgiving meal, I bet you’re starting to plan the perfect menu lineup. Will you stick to mom’s mashed potato recipe? Or try a new concoction? Will you risk the kids (and let’s face it – some adults) growing impatient, and serve the meal in three or four courses? Or are you planning to lay everything out at once? And if you’re heading elsewhere this year, what will you bring to the table that will add something new?

These are the very same questions you should be asking yourself as you begin every blog post for your company, minus the food (though I think we all tend to think more clearly on a full stomach, no?). Think of the menu as the outline of your post, and each item as its own piece of the whole. With that in mind, here are recommendations for building a B2B blog template, served fresh and ready to consume.


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