4 Ways to Improve B2B Twitter Ads (While They’re Running)

by MGB2B

improve b2b twitter ads

This is the first part in an ongoing series about improving B2B social media advertising campaigns on the go. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to read the latest installments, and more from Mascola B2B Marketing.

How to Improve B2B Twitter Ads Without Pausing Your Campaign

We have talked about several ways to use social media advertising to learn more about your target audiences and how to use that information to better reach those audiences online. That is all well and good when you are initially building your social media ads, but what about once the ads are launched? Good news: social media ads are not “set-it-and-forget-it” tools. They can be updated during campaigns, and we are going to start with how to improve B2B Twitter ads while they’re running.

Here are 4 ways to improve B2B Twitter ads without pausing your campaign:

  1. See who’s engaging. Once you have launched your campaign and targeted your audience, whether based on individual options like Followers, Behavior, Keywords, or a combination of these, you will be able to access the corresponding data in your Twitter Ads Dashboard. For example, if you selected Followers and Keywords targeting, you can view which accounts are engaging and which keywords are resonating with your audience.
  2. Test your tweets. Twitter generally recommends sponsoring at least three or four different tweets to gain the most traction in a campaign. Once you know how your audience interacts, you can select more than the recommended number of tweets, but four is a great place to start out. If you are composing new tweets, aim for four unique posts. For example, if you are promoting a white paper, include one tweet with the title, another with a subheadline, a third with a statistic, and a fourth calling out your target audience directly. Then check back after a few days to see which tweet(s) your audience responds to. This can help guide your posts in the future, both paid and organic.
  3. Sponsor what’s working organically. If during the course of your campaign, you notice that an organic (not sponsored) tweet is getting a lot of engagement, add it to your campaign so long as it fits with your paid audience and objective. Why sponsor something that’s already working? For just that reason – you know it works (see #2). This is true with any social media channel, by the way! Sponsoring a great piece of organic content is like adding boosters to a rocket after takeoff; it can only go farther.
  4. Don’t throw good money after bad. It’s one of the few things I actually remember from college economics, and it always comes in handy. If you find your campaign falling flat (no new followers, few engagements, etc.), pull it. Sometimes it takes going back to the drawing board to get it right. There’s no sense wasting your valuable dollars trying to revive it. Use tip #1 to see what went wrong, and try again.

Armed with these tips, you can launch a successful campaign and, when needed, improve B2B Twitter ads while they’re running. Interested in more tips, or need help getting started? Drop us a line.

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