The Dangers of AI-Generated SEO Content for Manufacturers

by Vin DiGioia

AI-Generated SEO Content Manufacturers

“AI” seems to have replaced “bitcoin” and “Kardashians” at the top of every news cycle these days. Most recently, it has been AI-powered tools like ChatGPT that have captured the imaginations of B2B marketing professionals across the globe. Their ability to quickly generate text – specifically AI-Generated SEO Content for Manufacturers – faster and seemingly more efficiently than humans has many manufacturing brands reconsidering their entire approach to content. A word to the wise: relying solely on AI to write SEO content can be dangerous proposition. Here’s five reasons why:

1.) Creativity

SEO content should not only include the necessary keywords but also be engaging, informative, and relevant to the reader. An AI algorithm can generate a large volume of content, but it may not be of a quality that resonates with the target audience. The content can end up sounding robotic, repetitive, and bland. It is important to remember that the ultimate goal of SEO content is to read cleanly in the King’s English, while also providing the necessary SEO benefit.

2.) Accuracy

To put it plainly: AI-generated content can be inaccurate and even flat out wrong. AI algorithms rely on data to generate content, and if the data is outdated or biased, the content generated can be misleading.

3.) Originality

AI algorithms rely on existing data to generate content, and if the data is limited, the content generated can be repetitive and unoriginal. This can harm the reputation of the brand and lead to a decrease in traffic and engagement.

4.) Nuance

SEO content is not just about keywords, but it is also about understanding the target audience and their needs. AI algorithms may not be able to fully understand the nuances of the target audience and may generate content that does not resonate with them. This can result in a lack of engagement and even lead to a decrease in traffic and conversions.

5.) Diversity/Inclusivity

AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. If said data is not diverse or inclusive, the content generated can reflect that. This can be harmful to readers who do not see themselves represented in the content, and it can harm the reputation of the brand as well.

The practice of developing quality SEO Content for Manufacturers has long been a true balance of form and function. While tools have gotten smarter, they should not be seen as a replacement for traditional copywriting – at least not if you intend to stay on the right side of the law (read: Google, Bing) when it comes to SEO. When considering the AI option, it is essential to strike a balance between it and true subject matter experts. This will help to ensure that the final product is on-brand, factually accurate, and ultimately serves its intended purpose. It will also help to keep your manufacturing brand out of danger, when it comes to SEO.


If your manufacturing company is looking for assistance navigating the world of AI-Generated SEO Content for Manufacturers, give us a call. We’ve been helping local, national, and international manufacturing brands develop focused, SEO Content Strategies for over 20 years.