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Category Archives: Technology & Mobile

Five Don’ts of B2B Email Marketing



As a B2B marketer, maintaining a positive relationship is vital to your sales funnel. One of the best ways to do that is through B2B email marketing. It’s one of the most productive lead generation tools, but there are many ways to overstep your boundaries. When it comes to content, accessibility, and frequency, here are five things to keep in mind as you construct your next email campaign.

1. Sending Too Frequently

Many things are better in moderation, and marketing emails are no exception. We know what you’re thinking: we just told you that staying in touch with your customers is important. But flooding their inbox can have the opposite effect.  Your customers receive hundreds of emails like yours, and it’s your job to ensure your email doesn’t get lost in the clutter. By sending emails less frequently, your customers will be less likely to feel badgered and opt out of future communications.

2. Lack of or Excess Personalization

There’s lots of talk of personalization these days, and with good reason. Consumers want to feel attended to and known. In fact, 82 percent of marketers reported an increase in open rates through email personalization, while 75 percent believe that personalization yields higher click-through rates. But keep in mind, this is more than simply a “Dear So & So.” It’s about knowing what your customers want. Sending them emails with products that match their previous interactions with you is one way to do it. But if you send them emails for products that don’t match their interest, or worse, products they’ve already purchased, your emails will become more white noise in their inbox.

This has to be done with a deft hand, however. Too much personalization can be a turn off in a creepy, big brother sort of way. It’s all about balance, folks. Fine tune your efforts so personalization is gradual, purposeful, and accurate.

3. Mobile-Unfriendly Layout

Though people still use their desktops, more and more people stay on top of their email from their phones. It’s important to make sure your content is optimized for all devices. If your images don’t load or your text is wonky, you can expect a swift delete.

4. Poorly Written Content

Customers are savvy. An elementary voice, grammatical errors, or poorly written content suggest your company shouldn’t be taken seriously. Furthermore, body copy that’s too wordy will be a turn off because no one has the time to read a tome.

5. Bad Subject Line

The subject line is the first written content your customer sees, and will define whether they open or delete it. Short, to the point, with just enough hook to pique their curiosity is the way to go. Otherwise, your email content will never be seen.

Considering that today’s marketers need to do more with less, email marketing gives us a whole lot of bang for our buck. And while other marketing trends come and go, email marketing remains a workhorse. To use it to its fullest potential, make sure you keep yours in line with the tips above.

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B2B Myth of the Week: Instagram for B2B Marketing Doesn’t Work


B2Bs Use Instagram

Myth: Instagram is Only for B2C Brands

Fact: Using Instagram For B2B Marketing Is Not Only Smart, It’s Necessary

So how do you go about this? Where do you begin?

Answer: Instagram for B2B marketing.

We have officially progressed into an era of marketing based on likes and followers. As much as the B2C community dominates this field, the approach of reaching users through visual content includes you too. As content continues to flood our phones by the millisecond, grabbing your audience’s attention effectively is an essential aspect of social media marketing. You must cut through the competition’s noise and shout from the rooftops, “Look at our content! Learn how we can solve your problems! And we’re engaging and relatable to boot!”


Instagram Personifies Your Brand

If you’re unfamiliar with the term Instagram-worthy, it’s a new “kids-these-days” way of describing something aesthetically pleasing. But don’t be fooled, this isn’t only applicable for trendy food pictures. Your brand has the opportunity to provide personal, visual hooks to reel your audience into your newsfeed and furthermore, your company.

Not every photo will encapsulate the mantra of your company’s motto or the services and products you provide. That’s okay; maintaining an excessively professional social media presence can be off-putting. Establish an unfiltered look at your company culture and you’re guaranteed to grant your audience a sense of familiarity that in confidence says, “This is who we are.”

[Take a look at Google’s Instagram account. There is nothing regarding search engines or computer software. Instead, you’ll find happy puppies, happy consumers, and colorful creations of the Google logo made of Fruit Loops. This may constitute as B2C branding, but as any consumer can see, Google is a bright, user-friendly company with a feed that associates happiness to their name — a universal message that will reach both consumers and businesses alike.]

We’re All People

Instagram reminds you over and over of the ‘real person’ on the other end of the content you consume, and it’s essential to establish that sense of personal presence. I’m here to remind you that in this case, that real person is you! It’s extremely important to appeal not only to the receiving business’ standards but their personal inclinations as well. Sure you’d like to maintain a professional appearance, but weekly newsletters and a well-designed website can tow that line.  Using Instagram for B2B marketing is your opportunity to sell your company with personality and a purpose to please. Creating a unique hashtag, communicating directly with followers, and publicizing your employees with ear-to-ear smiles will show your business to recognizes the importance of authenticity.

Stay Up to Date on Niche Trends

Businesses want to work with other businesses that appeal to their priorities and present themselves in an approachable manner. Many times, pictures do a better job of this than words. How do you maintain this as an effective and relevant Instagram feed? By staying thoroughly active in the social media-verse. There’s nothing more impressive than scrolling by a professional account referencing a popular trend. Understandably it’s not your first priority in selling your brand, but it’s important to remind your audience that your company is keeping up with the times and in relation, holds the capacity to deliver time-relevant content for all consumers.

Stay Buyer-Focused

At the end of the day, you’re still selling  — so be mindful of your target audience. What are their goals?  Their pain points? What do they need? Then answer these questions, but not just in terms of your products and services. Here’s where the human connection can come to play once more. Consider their values, lifestyles, and visions and think about how your services can echo them.

The story-telling strategy behind B2C marketing is becoming increasingly applicable in the B2B space. Instagram now has 1 billion users worldwide. If you think they’re all millennials, think again. Over fifty percent of Instagram users are between the ages of 34 and 64. In the coming years, this trend will only grow, so it’s important to start testing the waters now.

If you’re still unconvinced that using Instagram for B2B marketing is worth your time, take it from these companies that continue to nail it!

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B2B Myth of the Week: All Mobile-Friendly Sites Are Created Equal


responsive web design b2b

The Myth: All Mobile-Friendly Sites Are Created Equal

The Truth: Unless Your Site’s Responsive, It’s Not Really Mobile-Friendly

Gone are the days of browsing the Internet on a desktop alone. Today’s B2B buyers are constantly on the move. Meetings. Traveling. Multitasking. You name it. Today’s websites need to adapt to cater to these on-the-go decision makers. How? By being responsive. Responsive web design focus on maintaining readability across all devices. Viewing is compatible despite window or screen size. This seemingly small factor is of utmost importance for all businesses, especially B2B brands. Here’s why:

  1. Buyers Are Using Mobile More Than Ever. According to Hubspot, 49% of B2B researchers who use mobile for research are doing so while at work. Therefore, mobile devices are crucial to buying decisions. B2B users expect their experience on mobile to be just as seamless as on a desktop. But just because a website can be accessed on a mobile device doesn’t mean the experience is seamless. If your website isn’t responsive, the page most likely does not fit on a mobile screen. This means your audience has to zoom in and out, scroll left and right, and finagle their screen before they can get the information they want.  In contrast, responsive sites ensure your information is accessible across all platforms – smartphone, tablets, laptops, and desktops.  A responsive web design ensures your website leaves buyers with a great experience. Remember, the more your buyer has to hunt and peck, the more likely they’ll leave (and go to your competitor).
  2. Having a Responsive Website Lowers Maintenance Time and Cost. When the shift from desktop to mobile first took off, many companies developed a separate mobile website. If your company is still using this method, you have two sites to update and manage. Needless to say, maintaining two websites is much less efficient than one responsive site. It doubles your workload when changes are made, and it’s not cost-effective in the long term.
  3. Google Prioritizes Mobile-Friendly Sites. Google constantly evolves its algorithm to ensure the best search results. In 2015, Google changed its algorithm to prioritize mobile-friendly sites. This means that websites that are not compatible with mobile tech get displayed much lower in search results. In addition, Google recently rolled out a mobile-first index – which means it sees your mobile site as your primary website. These updates alone should be encouragement enough to add responsive web design to your marketing to-do list.

The digital world is moving pretty fast, and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. As the shift from desktop to mobile grows more significant, it’s imperative you create a seamless user experience for your buyer. Reducing the time spent on site maintenance and upping your search rankings doesn’t hurt either. Don’t lose potential leads – incorporate responsive web design into your marketing plan. Have questions about where to begin? Drop us a line.


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