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Category Archives: printed marketing

B2B Myth of the Week: Sales Collateral Is No Longer Important


b2b sales collateral

The Myth: Sales Collateral is No Longer Important

The Truth: High-Quality, Tangible B2B Sales Collateral Can Leave a Lasting Impression on Clients

With all the buzz around online content, it’s easy to think sales collateral is no longer important. But consider this: there’s tons of technical information to share with clients. We can’t expect them to remember it all. That’s where sales collateral comes in. It serves as a tangible reminder of the benefits or your products or services. And it simplifies the sales experience so you can close deals. If that’s not enough, here’s four more reasons why well-executed sales collateral is an important part of your marketing arsenal.

4 Reasons B2B Sales Collateral Is Still Important

  • It Communicates Important Information Succinctly. It’s unlikely that your leads will remember everything you tell them in a meeting. Having information laid out in simple terms all in one place makes it easy to both digest and remember. And while having that information online is important, a brochure is something prospects can keep on their desk to remind themselves of your brand when making a purchase decision.
  • It Can Showcase Your Credibility. Rather than wait for your leads to seek out your case studies, hand them over directly. Seeing your success displayed in a quality document offers proof, reinforces your reputation, and is easily shared with other decision-makers.
  • It Adds to Your Brand Story. While it may be tempting to put all of your information online, your personality comes to life more so in a printed piece. The weight of the paper, the feel of it, the gloss or matte finish, all give your brand story more depth. In addition to creating consistency and credibility across your brand, it rounds out the personality you’ve created online and in your offices. From business cards to brochures to sell sheets, your collateral has the potential to strengthen your company’s image – so long as you create a high-quality experience.
  • It Can Close the Deal. According to Forbes, buyers go 70% of the way through the decision-making process before engaging with a sales representative. So if a buyer is more than halfway there when you meet, imagine leaving them with a high-end, well-designed, well-produced, and authoritative booklet or sell sheet. Since many companies are funneling their money into digital efforts, it could be the point of differentiation that seals the deal.

It’s easy to overlook printed collateral in today’s digital-first world. But that’s even more reason to make your sales materials stand out. Need help with the execution? Give us a call.

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