B2B Monday Myth: You Need to Get a Brand Video Made — Quick!

by MGB2B


B2B video content

The Myth: You Need to Get a Brand Video Made — Quick!

The Truth: Figure Out the Content Before You Move Forward with Video

Video marketing isn’t just for the consumer market. The best perks of video marketing include engagement, brand awareness, and lead generation — which are all very important for B2B brands. But this isn’t breaking news. According to the 2016 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends — North America report, 79% of B2B marketers are using video as a content marketing tactic. So if you haven’t created or shared any videos, you should shoot a quick one and get it out there ASAP, right?

Wrong. The content of your video matters. Good video content doesn’t need to be high-quality (though if you can afford better production, you should do it) nor does it need to go viral; it just needs to have a message that matters to your customer base and triggers a connection to your brand, product, or even other customers. If you can pull this off in an entertaining or insightful way, you’ll be miles ahead of the poor video content that is out there today.

More than anything it’s important to sit down and plan. What are your potential customers looking for? What do they need from you and how can your video help deliver it? Always start with strategy.

In the meantime, here are a few video content ideas you can look through and see if any might be a good fit for your customers.

Engaging B2B Video Content Ideas:

  • How-To Guides — Before turning to you, customers may try to tackle their problems on their own. Help them with the first steps, and you will be top of mind for when the problems become too big for them to handle on their own.
  • Case Studies — This is a great way to showcase what you have to offer. Remember though that your customers don’t care about you, but rather about solving their problems. Use this format to address how your products or services have solved challenges they can connect to.
  • Weekly Podcasts — A series is a great way to keep people coming back for more. If you stay committed to this sort of project, you will have created for your company an archive of useful problem-solving content. But you have to make sure you have someone (maybe you) in your organization who is willing to make the commitment and stick with it. It’s not something that can be  done sporadically.
  • Customer Testimonials — There is nothing more powerful than an emotional connection. And it is easier for people to form connections with other people than it is for people to form a connection to a product. If you have clients or customers who can do heartfelt testimonials and have a good demeanor on camera, see if they’ll be willing to help out. You’ll be surprised how many people will be.

Yes, video marketing has skyrocketed across all industries, but that doesn’t mean you should rush into filming something that no one will care about. Take the time to focus on the content of your video and, more importantly, what you want the video to accomplish before diving in head-first.

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