Why “Unsubscribe” Isn’t the End of the Line

by MGB2B

b2b email unsubscribe messages

Email marketing is consistently ranked as one of the most effective tools for B2B brands. In fact, 83% of B2B marketers are sending e-newsletters to their networks this year. Guess what? That’s a lot of email, and along the way, you’re going to lose some subscribers. According to a recent MailChimp survey of small- to medium-sized businesses, companies in the Manufacturing and Architecture and Construction markets suffer some of the highest unsubscription rates. While people hit the dreaded “unsubscribe” button for many different reasons (here are the top 7), it doesn’t necessarily mean that the battle has been lost. Every touch point with your existing and prospective customers is critical, even your last.

Here are 3 ways to make an impact with your B2B email unsubscribe messages:

  1. Be creative. Design and creativity are two major considerations in effective B2B email marketing, but they shouldn’t be limited to the emails alone. The strategy behind your B2B email campaign, including the unsubscribe message, deserves creative thought, too. For example, manufacturers in industries like commercial lighting can update their messaging with changes in season or even national events (lights out at the Super Bowl, anyone?) and make a final connection with their subscribers. In my own recent ‘unsubscribe spree,’ I actually maintained subscriptions to several newsletters because their unsubscribe message caught my eye or made me laugh.
  2. Offer options. People interact with emails in different ways, from what time they open their inboxes every day to which devices they prefer to use. In short, people love options, including how frequently they hear from you. According to a HubSpot study, B2B companies are sending 16-30 emails per month to targeted lists. While these aren’t generic, blanketed messages, that’s still a lot of email! So in addition to providing recipients with the option to unsubscribe, allow them to manage how often they receive emails from you, and even which topics they prefer. Another tip: don’t bury this option under the unsubscribe page. Managing email frequency isn’t a new offering, so making it difficult to find can frustrate subscribers who may have otherwise stuck around, causing them to jump ship.
  3. Consider your landing page. Every touch point, even your last one, is important. Rather than dumping your unsubscribers onto a blank page that congratulates them for having successfully left your email list, give them another chance to explore your brand. Redirect them to your homepage where they can explore your latest products, or invite them to connect on social media. Emails might not be their speed, but following you on Twitter could be.

With an estimated 112 billion business emails being sent every day, unsubscription from regular newsletters is bound to happen. What you do with your B2B email unsubscribe messages, however, can mean the difference between a lost opportunity and a long-lasting customer relationship.

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